Saturday, June 30, 2012

Samsung S3 v.s iphone 4s

Hello Dolls, 

It's a question that's been asked for almost for almost five years now - iPhone or Android? The battle of the moment is Samsung's monster 4.8in Samsung Galaxy S3 and Apple's iPhone 4S. Both are top of their game and both command a hefty premium, selling for the same price 2455 AED

Just comparing the specs isn't enough here, either. Using each of these two is a completely different experience - they feel different in-hand, one is much, much larger than the other and iOS is nothing like Android for the most part.

Which is for you? It's about priorities - how you roll, the Samsung Galaxy S3 is snappier for some tasks, but the iPhone still wins for gaming. The great big screen of the Samsung makes it the best video player, and easy file transfer wins it points here too.

What this comparison should also demonstrate is quite how dinky the Samsung Galaxy S3 looks next to the iPhone 4S. It really does make Apple's phone look like… well, a toy. Using a phone this big is a huge change though, and some of you may find it too big to live with. Which is your favorite? Mine is the new Samsung S3 but either way I love them both….

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